British Academy repository


     On March 16, 2018, one of the two ADMKT Research Group coordinators, Marcos Severo approved a proposal for the Newton Mobility Grants 2017 RD3 scheme from British Academy. The initiative is a joint-collaborative research project with another faculty member from Universidade Federal de Goiás (Federal University of Goiás), Alethéia Ferreira da Cruz, and with Mas'ud Ibrahim, Senior Lecturer at Coventry University.

     Mas'ud is the co-applicant of the research project entitled "An examination of the effect of corruption on firms' financial policies in Brazil". The project number NMG2R2\100034 includes multiple international visits between the participants in Brazil and in the UK. This space is the free-accessible repository for all electronic data produced for the project.

Electronic data archives

Research Seminar #01 (27/03/2018)  Title: An empirical review of cheating behaviour in OPEC and oil price regime
Alignment course in Brazil - "Workshop on data analysis - Basic Panel Data models course" (16/05/2018)
Coventry University talk to postgraduate students - "The basics and fundamentals of panel data" (28/06/2018)
Coventry University 2h session to Business School staff - "Panel data analysis: a hands on applied basic application and interpretation" (04/07/2018)
Coventry University talk to postgraduate students - "Reflection on directions of social media research and business performance" (05/07/2018)